Friday 25 October 2019

Top tips to sell property successfully

There are three main principles that are most effective when selling a home. These are presentation, marketing and pricing.

The decisions that house sellers make around these principles can significantly influence the chance to sell their home above or below market value. How you prepare your home for viewers and hiring the right estate agent to market your home will not only ensure your property is sold sooner but can potentially add thousands of pounds to its value and sale price.



Get rid of all the excess stuff that you have accumulated over the years, using the garage or your loft to store bulkier items or better still perhaps store it at friend's or family's houses, for the short term.

Potential buyers should not need to use their imagination to realise what the property might look like if they were living there themselves. Make it easy for them to see the most of the fantastic living space you are offering. Ideally storage spaces and garages should be empty or well organized to emphasize their practicality to potential buyers.

Touch up

Give your walls and ceilings a fresh coat of neutral paint to make your home appear lighter and more spacious. This will enable viewers to gain a quick impression of how they could adapt the rooms to their needs and tastes. It will also make it easier for the buyers to move straight into your home and to use the rooms immediately, than if the walls are painted in loud colours or are too dark.

You want to create a great first impression from the garden gate to the front door and to create a memorable experience and lasting impression that moves a viewer towards becoming a buyer.

Fix and clean

Make any minor repairs to any damaged items that you might have been putting off. For example, fill holes in walls, repair cracked tiles, replace missing doorknobs and worn or stained carpets.

The majority of buyers want to be able to move in and without having to make repairs that were left behind. Clean everything until it sparkles. Remove limescale, clean or re-grout tiles. Eliminate bad odours. Hang out fresh towels in the bathroom.

How does the garden look?
Perhaps the bushes and shrubs require a trim. Clean patios and decking. Mow the lawn. All these jobs around the house may not directly add value to your property but it will make it more presentable so you are more likely to sell as potential buyers visualize the need for less work and more downtime in future years.

Light and airy

Mirrors make a room look surprisingly bigger and lighter especially in smaller rooms or hallways so have windows cleaned inside and out and replace any broken light bulbs to make the place feel light and airy. Ensure you have lamps on in any dark corners. This will make the property feel bigger and more attractive.

Make your property look better

Plants and flowers add colour, life and light to a room and they smell great. So does that fruit bowl full of different coloured fruits, on your kitchen table or counter.

Cater for all the senses

Bad smells are one of the biggest turn-offs for buyers. Rather than just covering them up fix the source of the smell. Unblock drains, wash out bins, open windows and air the kitchen from old cooking smells. Conversely good smells can make a property feel more enticing.


How do you choose the right estate agent?

Choose an agent who can demonstrate the most extensive marketing techniques and tools to attract the highest number of potential buyers. After all more viewers equals more offers which leads to a higher sale price. The photos taken and used need to be professional to showcase your home in the best possible way. Ask agents to show examples of their still images and virtual reality photography. 360-degree viewings are becoming more popular. Floor plans are a must.

One very important marketing tool is that is becoming more popular is video. Ask would-be agents to show you the videos they have recently produced and used to promote or sell other properties. Video is a great way to advertise the lifestyle that living in your home will provide. This will go far beyond the static pictures and imagination required to picture what a home is really like.

In this new age of social media more and more buyers are discovering property for sale on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin. Videos are the new commodity required to sell houses. If a picture paints a thousand words then the video brings a thousand pictures to life.

Showing the property

If you have hired a great estate agent let them show the property to viewers instead of you doing this yourself. It is a part of a professional estate agent's job to know the things to say and what to highlight. A great agent should have the techniques to deal with objections and ability to move viewers towards making offers.


On the topic of pricing choose the agent who demonstrates the most experience, research, evidence and facts when it comes to setting the price of your house. Work with the agent who knows the most about your area. There is a wealth of information an agent should show you on the homes for sale nearby that you are currently competing against; plus evidence of sold homes in your area, with size comparisons, as well as their own local results.

Do not simply be impressed by the agent that proposes the highest asking price of your property. The price at which a house is listed is extremely important. Local Rightmove statistics show that over 40% of properties have had their listing price reduced before they sell often due to being overpriced in the first place. Rightmove also demonstrates that if a home does not sell within the first four weeks of being listed the interest level drops, levels out and then often does not sell at all.

Subsequently an agent typically suggests a price reduction to gain further attention. Time is lost when this happens. Would-be buyers see that the price has been reduced and can be forgiven for thinking the home has not sold due to a lack of interest or that there is something wrong with it. This is then often reflected in fewer offers received and when it eventually does sell the price achieved can be less than should have been if the property had been priced correctly at the initial valuation.

If you would like to talk to us about property in Guildford please feel free to call me on 01483 320207 or go to to discover how much your property is worth today.

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